Monday, March 10, 2025

Staying Healthy

Hey there East Coasters!

Our East Coast Trip will be fun and exciting, but it can be a challenge to stay healthy. Inevitably, heads will ache, stomachs will hurt, and eyelids will droop as the trip begins to take its toll on the teenage bodies embarking on this trip (and perhaps on some adult bodies as well).  While it is impossible to avoid illness in all cases, making good choices can help to reduce the risks.  Here are some suggestions for staying healthy:

I know the switch to Daylight Saving Time Sunday 3/9 probably has
 us all a little messed up, which really highlights how important sleep is for us. Get plenty of sleep the week leading up to Spring Break. The last thing we want to experience is fatigue and exhaustion before the trip even begins! If you are well-rested, it will help to counteract the less-than-perfect sleep you may experience when we’re on the red-eye flight out.  Students WILL be tired on the trip.  It is important that they learn to push through the exhaustion, and to take cat naps when they can because we will be doing things all day long.  Encourage your child to take their sleep opportunities will improve their enjoyment of the trip.

Drink lots of water on the trip. Some kids experience headaches around Day 2 or 3 of the trip, and often this can be attributed to dehydration. Unless your child is an athlete in training, the East Coast 
Adventure often has far more physical activity (with all the walking) than your child is used to in an average day. Caffeine and artificial sweeteners both act as diuretics, drawing fluids out of the body faster than necessary. Instead of turning to Mountain Dew or Diet Coke, encourage your child to drink water both at meals and in-between them. If you absolutely have to have something sweet to drink, consider lemonade, Sprite, or some other non-caffeinated beverage.  If you really must have a Coke or Pepsi with dinner, have just one, and match it with an equal amount of water.

Eat healthy meals. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” In that same spirit, we offer your child a variety of healthy eating options at each meal, but it’s up to your son or daughter to make those good choices. Day 2 or 3 of the trip is also the day that the stomachaches begin. While it’s not the most fun topic to talk about, constipation often is the cause. I encourage students to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and grains to keep things "regular.” And again, staying hydrated with plenty of water also prevents constipation. Finally, don’t blow your souvenir budget on candy and other unhealthy snacks; instead, pack granola bars, trail mix, dried fruit, or other healthy snacks in your luggage.

Eat light before the flight. Kids who are nervous about flying, or who eat a large meal, or eat too much junk will probably end up sharing their partially digested meal with the rest of us if they aren't careful. Gross. Stick to a light dinner before we depart, and then pack a little trail mix or some pretzels for the flight.  Breakfast is the first item on our agenda after we land, so you can refuel once we’re back on terra firma. When we land in Washington DC, it’s better to be hungry than nauseous.  Along those lines, if you are prone to air sickness, or motion sickness of any kind, my suggestion is ginger gum.  It is available in the same section as Dramamine, but doesn't make you drowsy, and can help to keep your stomach calm. 

The only meds that kids are allowed to keep with them are life-saving meds (asthma inhaler, epi-pen, etc). All other medications (prescription or over-the-counter) should be handed to their designated chaperone, along with any written instructions, right before we board the coach to drive down to the airport. If your child is taking meds on a regular schedule, it is his/her responsibility to come to us.
This is an important topic, so medication will be addressed in depth at our pre-departure meeting on Tuesday, March 18th. If you have any questions about medication, please ask at the meeting, or contact Mr. Sheridan well in advance of our departure. And of course, please indicate any medication or food allergies on that medical release in the travelers form link you received through email from Nations Classroom.  


Thankfully, proof of vaccination and masks are not required for the trip this year.  However, masks are still a good idea in some situations and it is always good to be prepared for any eventuality.  While masks are not required, they can be helpful for some indoor settings.  Bring masks with you on the trip, and have them readily available to wear when/if you feel the need to mask up or in the event that something strange happens and they become a necessity while we are traveling.  

As far as protocols go, while we are all excited to have things back to pre-pandemic norms, we will be continuing to follow guidelines that will encourage good hygiene and will help reduce the spread of germs.  Hand sanitizer, hand washing, masks when recommended etc. will be enforced when necessary.  Obviously, if students feel more comfortable continuing to wear a mask, they are welcome to do so.

Our Pre-departure meeting is only 8 days away, and our trip is a mere 25 days away!  I look forward to seeing everyone in the Rio MPR at 6:00pm next Tuesday, March 18th! 

- Mr. Sheridan 

Friday, February 28, 2025

East Coast Adventure...Let's Get Walkin'!

Well, our East Coast Trip is less than 5 weeks away.  This is just a quick suggestion to get out and start walking.  While on tour, we will be walking, on average, about 7-10 miles a day.  Granted it isn't all in one shot, but we will be going through museums, the national mall, large estates, and major city streets in Philadelphia and New York.  It is easy to get tuckered out if you aren't in decent shape.

I encourage all the East Coast Trippers to get out and walk at least a few times a week - and not just in P.E.!  If you are thinking about getting some walking shoes for the trip, I would suggest getting them now and breaking them in.  You don't want to be walking miles a day in new shoes...blisters hurt.  I would also suggest bringing two pairs of shoes on the trip in the event that the weather is uncooperative and one pair gets wet.  If you are looking for a complete list of things to pack, feel free to take a look at the suggested packing list on this page by clicking on the "Packing List" tab at the top of the page.

I hope that everyone is getting as excited as I am to start our journey.  Remember that our Rio Norte students consistently get praised for their outstanding behavior on these trips...I am certain that this year's group will continue that tradition.  I handed out a student behavior expectation agreement at our last student meeting.  This is my agreement, and is separate from the one being sent to you by Nation's Classroom (make sure you have filled that one out as well).  Be sure to review the agreement and have both the student and Parent/guardian sign it and return it to Mr. Sheridan by the departure meeting on the 18th of March (students can turn it in to Mr. Sheridan as soon as it is completed).  Knowing what is expected of you will make it easier to make good choices.  That should do it for now.

A quick reminder that our next meeting is our Pre-Departure Meeting on Tuesday, March 18th in the MPR at 6pm.  One parent or guardian and the traveling student must be present at this meeting.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email, text (661) 621-3655, or even post a question on our Facebook page.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Great Meeting Yesterday!

Our meeting on yesterday was all about information.  We went over some important procedures, handed out the student agreement, went over chaperone groups and met some of our chaperones, and then let the kids ask any burning question that they just couldn't wait to get answered.  If your student missed the meeting, have them come by my room (P-2) to pick up a trip agreement this week.  

One quick reminder that our next meeting is our MANDATORY Pre-Departure meeting at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, March 18th. This meeting will take place in the Rio MPR,  and at least one parent/guardian must be in attendance with their student traveler.

Here are some of the questions that kids asked, with answers.

Q:  What are we supposed to pack?  How many bags can we bring?  Do we need to dress up for Broadway?

Check out the Packing List tab at the top of this website page for basic information.  You can bring a check -in bag and a carry on...keep your check-in bag below 45 lbs. and your carry on is usually your backpack.  For Broadway, just wear something nice, but comfortable.  We will be touring during the day before we go to our play.

Q:  Can we wear pajamas on the plane?

NO.  We will be landing in the morning, hopping on our bus, and will be touring all day after we land...we won't be going to the hotel until later that night.  You will need to be in actual clothes.

Q:  Do we have to stay in our chaperone groups?

No.  The chaperone groups are for organizational purposes only.  Most of the time we will be in a full group tour.  Chaperone groups allow us to account for all kids before we leave a location.

Q:  How often will we get food?

We get three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). These meals begin with breakfast the morning of our first tour. You are responsible for eating dinner before we leave for our trip.

Q:  How big are the food portions, is food included in the trip?

Food is included.  Some portions are fixed. At other places it's all-you-can-eat. I've never had anyone starve on the trip, so I think the portion sizes are good.  Be careful not to over-do it!  Also, if you have any dietary restrictions (vegan, allergies etc.) please let me and Nations Classroom know.

Q:  Is there time for shopping?

Plenty. You won't get to shop in every shop in every city we visit, but you will be provided with ample opportunity to spend some dough.

Q:  What will the weather be like? 

It really depends.  It is early Spring on the east coast which means it will likely be cooler than it is here in California.  It could potentially be cold enough to snow, or you could have an 85 degree day (like we did in NY several years ago).  Pack for all eventualities.  

Q:  What play are we seeing on Broadway?  Are we going to a sporting event?

Right now we are scheduled to see the musical "Six" on Broadway.  We are also going to a Red Sox vs Blue Jays game when we are in Boston.

Q:  How long are the plane rides?   Can we move seats on the plane?

It looks like we are scheduled to take a direct flight from's about 5 hours each way.  Seats on the plane are assigned and you need to sit in your assigned seat unless moved by a chaperone.

Q:  What time do we leave the hotels in the morning and what time do we get back? 

It depends, but usually we have breakfast at the hotel around 7:00am and leave around 8:00am.  We will return around 10:00pm each night.  Lights out is usually around 11:00pm.

Q:  Is the school dress code in effect?

Yes.  You are allowed to wear hats and sunglasses, leggings etc. (if you are a Red Sox fan,  I wouldn't recommend wearing those hats in New York).

Q:  Are there opportunities to buy snacks in between meals and can we bring water with us on tour? 

 Yes, but be careful not to eat too much junk or you will get sick.  Water is fine to bring with you while we are on tour, and the coach drivers often have bottles of water as well.  NO water when we go through TSA security at the airport!

Q:  Can we bring food in the hotel rooms and on the bus? 

In the Hotel the answer is yes, on the bus, NO.  ALWAYS clean up after yourself.

Q:  How long is the trip? 

We will leave Rio around 5:00pm on Friday, April 4th and return to Rio around 11pm on Thursday, April 10th.

Q:  What if our phone goes off while we are walking around? 

Your phone should be on silent mode for the trip...we don't want to be disrespectful.

Q:  Can we bring stuffed animals, or GoPro Camera or a really big expensive camera on the trip?

You should avoid bringing anything overly expensive or of high sentimental value.  The more stuff you bring, the more stuff you can lose or break.  GoPro may not be allowed in some of the places we are touring (no photography).  If you determined to bring a nice camera, just be careful.

Q:  Should we bring cash or a pre-paid card for the trip? 

This is up to you and your parents.  I would suggest looking into whether your bank will allow a debit card with set maximum daily charges - we can talk about money in depth at the pre-departure meeting.

Q:  Is it just us on the plane, and are the planes nice? 

We will have our own buses for the trip, but the plane will have many others.  At this point it looks like we will potentially be flying on Alaska and Jetblue Airlines - which is a nice airlines.

Q:  What are we doing everyday? 

We will be touring, and seeing many of our most important national treasures!

Q:  What kind of hotels are we staying in?

They're three and four-star hotels like Hyatt, Marriott, Sheraton etc.

Hope that helps!  See you all at our Pre-Departure Meeting: Rio MPR @ 6:00pm on Tuesday, March 18th! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Money and our Next Meeting

Hey East Coasters!

So, parents of students going on the East Coast trip often ask, “How much money does my child need to bring with them on the trip?” The short answer, technically, is “none.” Your child probably won’t like me telling you that, but all necessities are covered on the trip. All meals are paid for, drinking fountains are fairly common in most of the places we’re going, all admissions to all museums, events, and attractions are included, so your child doesn’t need to bring any money. Technically.

OK, but seriously... Your child is probably going to want a bottle of juice or Gatorade here and there, and may want a little extra spending money for snacks and beverages beyond mealtimes (about $5-$7 per day). Then there are souvenirs. I’ve seen kids buy a couple small tchotchkes for family, and spend little more than $15 on souvenirs TOTAL for the whole trip. For other kids, they would put the Kardashians to shame. We had one kid spend over $5
00 in less than a week.

You know your child and his/her shopping habits best. Clothing is usually the most expensive item kids buy on this trip, and one nice 
“I ♥ NY” sweatshirt in Times Square can go for $50-60, easy. Overall, average souvenir purchases are about $10-$20 per day.

Also as you may or may not know, I do respectfully request a little tip money ($10 total) from each student: $5 for our coach drivers, $5 for our tour guides. These people will be with us for the whole trip and become a part of our trip "family".  Naturally, tipping is optional, but in our country it is customary and a nice courtesy, especially for a job well done. All other tips are included in the cost of the tour. I will collect the coach driver and tour guide tip money ($10) at the Pre-Departure Meeting on Tuesd
ay, March 18 (your student can also drop it off to me during school either before or after the meeting if you prefer)

On a related note, parents also ask: “Debit/prepaid card or cash?”  While it seems crazy to say is no longer king.  I highly recommend getting your child a debit card for the trip.  There are some instances where cash is fine, but many vendors only accept cards. Nice thing about debit/credit cards is that depending on the type of card and the issuing bank, parents can control the amount of spending per day and/or add value to the card if needed; this is a good security feature if the card is lost, and is also helpful in limiting teen spending.  Additionally, your kids aren't too far away from their first jobs, so getting used to having a card, spending on a budget, using ATMs etc., can be a great learning experience in itself.  Talk to your bank now about your options. Looking online, many financial magazines rate kid specific apps and cards like Greenlight, GoHenry, and BusyKid as good options, but your personal bank will probably offer something as well. Cash is easy, and will work at many souvenir shops, but once lost it is almost certainly gone for good. Talk with your child and find out what you think will work best. Most airlines are now cashless, meaning you can only purchase items on the plane with a debit/credit card.

As for VISA, MasterCard, or American Express gift or pre-paid cards, most of them don’t have a name on them, they don’t require ID, and they’re usually as good as cash if lost, so be careful with this option. Finally, while I'm sure I don't need to tell you, don’t even bother with traveler checks; their time has passed...the truth is the 19-year-old kid behind the counter at the souvenir shop will have NO idea what to do with your traveler's check.

 When asked, this is what previous East Coast trip parents had to say with regard to money:

“A mixture of cash and debit card worked great for our daughter.” 

“My kid had a $200 budget on her card and that was more than enough, she came back with money leftover, and she is quite the shopper!”

“We got our daughter a debit card for the trip, (which she hardly used, just on the plane and one souvenir shop), but it made us feel better.  AND, it's proven to be a useful budgeting tool for our daughter going forward. Rather than $5 here, $20 there, she uses the card and we review it to see where the money is going.” 

"The debit card was a great choice.  Lots of the food vendors didn't take cash, so the money given to the kids for lunch couldn't be used the way he wanted.  With the debit card, our son kept the cash and used his card to get his food...and we could see where he chose to eat!"

“I would say slightly more than $20/day.”

Hope all that advice will help your family make a more informed decision about money. Our next student meeting is in less than a week, on Thursday, February 20, at 2:40pm in the MPR. Our East Coast adventure is now only 45 days away!  As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.  

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Follow up to our Meeting

Hello East Coast Trippers!

We had a very successful meeting last week.  I'm extremely excited to be working with such fun, well-behaved, and respectful 8th graders - we're going to have a great trip!  Here are some of the things we were able to accomplish in the meeting:

- We played an ice breaker game to try and get to know one another better
- Wrote down shirt sizes for our commemorative t-shirt
- We assigned roommates 

- We answered a few questions related to the trip

There are a couple of things I covered with the kids Tuesday, and I am including them in this message for parents as well.

I will have a student behavior agreement for the kids at the next student meeting on February 20th.  This is a separate agreement from the one being sent by Nations Classroom. The kids should sign it along with their parent/guardian and return it to me sometime before the departure meeting on March 18th.

Nations Classroom should have sent you some travel documents to your email as well (behavior agreement, medical release etc).  Be sure to complete and submit them once they arrive. 

Due to the importance of communication, I informed the kids of different ways to stay in touch with me and the trip - and some might be good for you too.  The kids will be on Remind while back east, but that is just for them and the adult chaperones on the trip.  Another way for parents to contact me is through my Google Voice number (661) 621-3655.  Although e-mail is still best, students and parents are welcome to call or text this number with any burning questions between now and the trip.  I also shared some of my social media trip accounts with the kids, so please check with them on how to follow the trip online (FB, Instagram etc.)

Here are a few of the questions about the trip that the kids asked Monday:

Q: When do we leave and when do we get back?
A:  We leave Rio Norte on Friday, April 4th and return on Thursday, April 10th.

Q:  Is food included on the trip?  Are there vegetarian options?
A:  Yes, breakfast. lunch, and dinner are included.  Breakfast is usually at our hotel.  Yes, there are vegetarian options at every meal.  If you have dietary restrictions, be sure that you included those in your registration with Nations Classroom.  If you didn't, please contact them so we know who needs adjusted meals for allergies etc.

Q:  How many bags are we allowed to bring?
A:  You are bringing one check in bag weighing no more than 45 lbs. and one carry-on (usually a backpack)

Q:  What time do we go to sleep and wake up?
A:  It varies, but usually we will get up around 6 am and get to bed around 10 pm.

Q:  Does the school dress code apply?
A:  Yes.  

Q:  Are we allowed to use our phones on the trip?
A:  Yes, and no.  You should absolutely bring your phone on the trip, and you are welcome to use it as a camera while we are touring (although it might be a good idea to bring an actual camera as well).  However, phone calls, facetime, texting, surfing, gaming, etc. should be reserved for times when we aren't on tour.  What does that mean?  You can use your phone in your room, at meal times, and when we are traveling between major cities on the bus, but NOT when we are in the city actually looking at sites or listening to directions (including the bus).

Q:  What sporting event are we going to?  What Broadway play?
A:  It looks like we will be going to an MLB game - currently it looks like a Boston Red Sox v. Bluejays game at Fenway.  We are also currently booked to see the musical "Six" on Broadway.

That should do it for now.  I am looking forward to seeing my East Coast Trip students at our next meeting on Thursday, February 20th.  That meeting will again be for students and chaperones only in the MPR at 2:40 pm and will conclude around 3:45.  Thanks again for a great meeting and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Zoom Registration and Information Meeting Tonight!

Are you a parent of a current 7th Grader at Rio Norte Jr. High? Would you like your child to spend their Spring Break next year in Washington D.C., New York, and Boston? Then join us Tonight, May 7th at 6:00pm for an important Zoom meeting! At this meeting you will get information and have the chance to register for, Mr. Sheridan's East Coast Adventure! See you online! 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Zoom Registration Meeting on Tues. 5/7

Are you a parent of a current 7th Grader at Rio Norte Jr. High? Would you like your child to spend their Spring Break next year in Washington D.C., New York, and Boston? Then join us this Tuesday, May 7th at 6:00pm for an important Zoom meeting! At this meeting you will get information and have the chance to register for, Mr. Sheridan's East Coast Adventure! See you online!