Tuesday, December 3, 2019

East Coast Adventure 2020 Update

Hello East Coasters!
Just a quick update that our East Coast Adventure officially has two FULL buses and we have a small waiting list as well.  If active students drop out of the trip, wait listed students will be added to the new opening.  Please continue to make your payments as we work our way toward 2020 - final payments are due in mid January.  Once we have a finalized roster in January, we will have our first student meeting around the first week of February.  As always, if you have any questions, please contact Mr. Sheridan.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

East Coast Adventure 2020!

Our East Coast Adventure 2020 has filled our first bus, and now has a waiting list for a second bus.  The wait list is growing quickly and our tour company will look into the possibility of a second bus to bring all the participants who signed up once we reach that threshold.

If you sign up for the trip now, you will be placed on the waiting list.  Wait listed students should make the deposit to secure their place, and continue to make payments until the second bus is added.  Based on how quickly the first bus was filled, I feel confident that we will add a second bus and clear the waiting list fairly soon.  I will keep you informed of any changes, and will update you once a second bus becomes a reality.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Want to Sign up For Next Year's East Coast Adventure?!

Are you a current 7th grader who wants to go on our East Coast Adventure 2020?  Did you miss the information meeting?  No problem!  Come on by room P-2 to pick up an information/registration packet from Mr. Sheridan!  If you were unable to attend the meeting, we also talked about the kind of student who is best suited to go on this trip.  Feel free to check out the "Is My Child Ready" tab above to see if your child is ready for this adventure.  If you are ready to sign up, do it soon.  The trip is already starting to fill up, and we don't want you to get left behind by waiting too long!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Interested in Mr. Sheridan's East Coast Adventure 2020?!

If you are a current 7th grader at Rio Norte and you would like information on next Spring's trip to the East Coast (2020), you and your parents are invited to attend an important information meeting on Tuesday May 7th at 5:00pm in the MPR.  Please note that the start time for this meeting has changed from its original 6pm time. Come on by Rm. P-2 for more information!  See you there!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Thank you East Coast Trip Family!

Thanks to all our East Coast travelers for being real troopers.  Also, a big thank you to parents for allowing your child to experience this trip...I know that they made memories that will last a lifetime. Speaking of memories, our commemorative photos are in!  Students can pick them up this week in Room P-2.  Thanks again and good luck with the rest of this school year, and with high school next year!

Friday, March 29, 2019

Holy Cow...Tomorrow is the Day!

Well, folks we are coming down to the wire.  Just a couple of quick things for kids and parents:

Wear your blue Nations Classroom shirt tomorrow.  We will be wearing this shirt for over 24 hours before we arrive at our first hotel. For this reason, I STRONGLY urge that you take a showe
r within the hour before you arrive at Rio.  We’ll all be grateful that everyone is fresh and clean when we have to share an airplane and a bus together.

Do a final packing check.  Batteries and chargers are the most frequently forgotten-at-home accessories on this trip.  Go through your whole packing list and check and double check.  I already have mine laid out on “The Table.” :-)

Let’s keep in touch. Once the trip begins, I will no longer be sending out these regular broadcast e-mails to parents (you may get just one or two, or maybe not).  Instead, I will be posting regular updates on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.   Check from work, check from home, my goal is to post a trip update every 4-6 hours (
hopefully more than that).  These links are great to share with family and friends (grandmas love my facebook page!).  Just a reminder that there are a number of ways to follow the trip:

Blog:  http://sheridantrip.blogspot.com

twitter:  http://twitter.com/sheridantrip

facebook: Mr. Sheridan's East Coast Adventure

instagram:  http://instagram.com/sheridantrip

Check the weather lately?  If you've been watching the weather, you’ll see some very typical East Coast weather for early spring: cold and some rain. Be prepared for this weather. I strongly suggest a small umbrella, caps and gloves. Weather forecasts can change, too, so be prepared for warmer weather just in case. 

Additionally, as I already mentionedthere is no need to "dress up" for our Broadway play.  The weather might be cold and wet, plus we'll be touring all day before we make our way to the show.  Something nice but practical for walking around Manhattan would be best.
I will probably send one final message before we leave, but if not, I will see you tomorrow in the Rio Norte front parking lot by 6:15 p.m.! Remember to park under the solar panels and NOT in the red zone and to bring your medication foldable along with any personal medications in a Ziploc bag.  Additionally, I will be 
weighing luggage bags before they get on the buses, so be sure to be under 45 lbs.  Thanks so much!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Getting Ready and Packed for the Airport

Well, East Coasters, we are just Eight Days away from our big trip, and the first adventure we will all face together is getting through airport security.  However, with some advanced planning and smart decisions, we can all make it through quickly and easily.  Here are some tips:

Photo ID – Sometimes the airport checks IDs on our kids, and other times they don’t, but I don’t take any chances. Therefore, I have asked that ALL students give me their photo ID by Tuesday at lunch. I alread
y have some of our ID cards, but anyone who still needs to get it to me can do so by Tuesday.  I keep all the IDs together in one binder sorted alphabetically to make it easy for check-in. The ticketing agents love this and are usually extra-nice to us as a result. If you will need your ID to use a debit or credit card, just let me know and I will give it to you during the trip. Just keep it safe and prepare to give it back to me before the flight home. All adults travelers will definitely need government-issued photo ID.

Reduce your metal – Try to wear as little metal as possible to the airport.  Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and even clothing with metal accessories attached to them always have the potential to set off the system (metal-rimmed eyeglasses are OK). Boys, if you’re into those big skater belt buckles, leave them at home.  Finally, any other objects (watch, camera, cell phone, coins) that could activate the metal detector should be placed in your backpack. Take some time BEFORE we get to the airport to do this, so you’re not scrambling at the last minute. The only things that should be in your hand or in your pockets as you walk through security should be your boarding pass.  You MUST have this with you when you walk through security.

Measure up – I’ve already told you that your checked suitcase should be no heavier than 45 pounds. The airlines set 50 pounds as the absolute maximum, but you’re probably going to bring back more than you went out with, so leave yourself some room...I will be weighing bags at Rio Norte before we get on the bus. 

Smart shoes – The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) will require you to take off your shoes and place them in a bin to be scanned. Make sure to wear shoes that are easy to take off and put on (no double or triple knots in your laces), but keep in mind these are probably the same shoes you will wear throughout much of our first day on tour.

Sweatshirts, jackets, and hoodies – If your outer layer is one that can be easily shed (zip-up hoodie or jacket), be prepared. TSA may ask you to remove it, place it in a bin, and run it through the scanner. If it’s a pull-over sweater or sweatshirt, they generally will let you leave it on. I actually recommend that whatever warm coat you’re bringing on the trip you actually wear to the airport and DON’T pack it. It’s one less bulky item to pack in your suitcase and it could double as a pillow or a blanket on the plane.

Quart-size bags – If you’re toting tons of electronics with you (cell phone, cell phone charger, headphones) all in your backpack, it may look like you’re carrying some sort of explosive triggering device. Make your life and the life of your TSA screener easier by grouping these items into quart-size storage bags. I’m partial to the quart-size freezer bags because they’re a little sturdier. If the TSA screener has to open your bag, it will be easy for him to see you have nothing suspicious. Plus, it will be easier for you to find your stuff later without cords getting all tangled up.  You can also use quart bags for your medications with your foldable medication authorization form.

Avoid liquids in carry-on – In the TSA 3-1-1 guide (available HERE)
, it talks about the rule for bringing liquids in your carry-on. I’m not bringing ANY liquids in my carry-on luggage (my backpack). All my hair gel, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. goes into my toiletry bag in my checked luggage. Why do you need hair gel or perfume on the airplane? These guidelines are mostly geared to overnight travelers who pack everything into their carry-on, and that’s not us.

There are tons of other prohibited items that I'm not going into, but most of these are common sense. Here's a good rule: if it's not allowed at school, it's probably not allowed on a plane. Please ask Mr. 
Sheridan if you are unclear about what is prohibited and what is not.

“The Table” – When it comes to personal travel, 
it is important to be an efficient packer.  If you forget something, we won't have the luxury to buy items next week, which is why I suggest laying out all your things on a table. On “The Table” place your packing list and then item by item lay everything out that you need. Deodorant: check. Toothpaste: check. phone charger: check. Camera battery charger: check.

If you haven’t set up your own version of “The Table” yet, I urge you to consider it. Lay everything out in advance now so you know what you have and what you may still need to get. Places like 
Rite-Aid are not always easily accessible with the places we’re visiting and the schedule we’re on. Hotel gift shops often sell toothpaste and batteries and memory cards, but it is likely at a significantly higher price.

Students—The next time I’ll see you is TUESDAY 3/26 AT LUNCH in Rm. G-2!

Parents - I'll see you at Rio on Saturday March 30th at 6:15pm!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Great Meeting Last Week!

Hey East Coasters,
Thank you all for coming to our pre-departure meeting last week.  It is great to see how excited the kids are becoming as we get closer to our trip.  I wanted to go over a couple of quick items that I mentioned at the meeting, but may not have explained as well as I would have liked.

Medication Authorization foldable:
This is the sheet that you picked up at the meeting that gives me or a chaperone the permission to administer some basic medications (Advil, Pepto-Bismol, etc.) as well as specialty medications that you wish to provide. This sheet should be folded and put into a quart sized Ziploc bag along with any daily supplements, or medications that your child takes on a regular basis.  Bring the baggie on the day we depart and I will assign it to your child's chaperone.  Please pack only enough meds for the trip, not the whole bottle.  The chaperones have to carry these medications, so the smaller, the better.  Your child can get their medications from their assigned chaperone as needed (usually at meal times).  As always, any life saving medications (epi-pen, inhaler etc.) should be kept by your child for emergencies.  If your child is not bringing any medications or supplements with them, just fill out and sign the foldable for your child to have permission to get the basic medications I will have with me, and give it to me before our departure (some students can't swallow medications...if you wish to provide chewable versions of medications for your child, just include them on the specialty side of the foldable and place them in your Ziploc).

The Flights:
I did talk about this, but really want to hammer home this point.  It is a red-eye flight, and it is very important that the kids try their best to get some sleep/rest on the plane.  We will be touring all day when we arrive, so please let the kids know that they will regret not getting a little sleep when they have the chance.  Additionally, we want to be considerate to the other passengers on the plane who are trying to sleep as well.

Departure Day:
We are leaving from the Rio Norte Campus on Saturday, March 30th.  Please wear your Nations Classroom t-shirt on this day and arrive by 6:15pm.  Parents should park in the lot, and keep the bus loop open.  We will weigh your check-in bag and it must be 45 lbs. or less.  We will organize them by which bus is assigned to the student.

Nation's Classroom and I are going over all the paperwork to make sure that all travelers have the necessary documents from both Nation's Classroom, and me.  If your child is missing any papers, I will call in those students to see me, and send the documents home with them.  Obviously, time is of the essence, so please fill out and return the documents as quickly as possible.

And finally, I want to have a quick student meeting at lunch on Tuesday, March 26th in room G-2.  At this meeting, I will collect student ID cards in the event TSA needs them, I'll remind students of which bus they are on, who their chaperone is, and I will go over the rules of the trip and signed student agreement in detail one final time.  Thank you again for allowing your child to have this experience.  I will likely be sending a couple more e-mails before we leave, but as always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Mandatory Pre-Departure Meeting Tonight!!

Hey East Coasters,
Just a quick reminder that our MANDATORY Pre-Departure meeting is taking place tonight, Thursday, March 7th at 6:00pm in the Rio Norte MPR.  At least one parent or guardian must be present with their child.  We are a little more than 3 weeks away from our East Coast Adventure!  Please bring the completed paperwork you received in the email from Nation's Classroom (if you haven't already), Mr. Sheridan's trip agreement, plus $10 cash (optional, but politely requested) for tips for our coach driver and tour guide.  See you all tonight!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Mandatory Pre-Departure Meeting Tomorrow!

Hey East Coasters,
Just a quick reminder that our MANDATORY Pre-Departure Meeting will be taking place TOMORROW, Thursday, March 7th at 6:00pm in the Rio MPR.  The traveling student and at least one parent/guardian must be in attendance.  If students have completed their trip agreements, they can bring them in to Mr. Sheridan as soon as they are ready.  They must have them by the Pre-Departure meeting.  Also, please bring the completed paperwork you received from Nations Classroom, plus $10 cash (optional, but politely requested) for tips for our coach driver and tour guide... See you tomorrow!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Staying Healthy

Our East Coast Trip will be fun and exciting, but it can be a challenge to stay healthy. Inevitably, heads will ache, tummies will hurt, and eyelids will droop as the trip begins to take its toll on the teenage bodies embarking on this trip (and perhaps on some adult bodies as well). Here are my suggestions for staying healthy:

- I know the switch to Daylight Saving Time on Sunday 3/10 will probably ha
ve us all a little messed up, which really highlights how important sleep is for us. Get plenty of sleep the week leading up to Spring Break. The last thing we want to experience is fatigue and exhaustion before the trip even begins! If you are well-rested, it will help to counteract the less-than-perfect sleep you may experience when we’re on the red-eye flight out.

Drink lots of water on the trip. Some kids experience headaches around Day 2 or 3 of the trip, and often this can be attributed to dehydration. Unless your child is an athlete in training, the East Coast 
Adventure often has far more physical activity (with all the walking) than your child is used to in an average day. Caffeine and artificial sweeteners both act as diuretics, drawing fluids out of the body faster than necessary. Instead of turning to Mountain Dew or Diet Coke, encourage your child to drink water both at meals and in-between them. If you absolutely have to have something sweet to drink, consider lemonade, Sprite, fruit juice or some other non-caffeinated beverage.  If you really must have a Coke or Pepsi with dinner, have just one, and match it with an equal amount of water.

Eat healthy meals. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” In that same spirit, we offer your child a variety of healthy eating options at each meal, but it’s up to your son or daughter to make those good choices. Day 2 or 3 of the trip is also the day that the stomachaches begin. While it’s not the most fun topic to talk about, constipation often is the cause. I encourage students to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and grains to keep things "regular.” And again, staying hydrated with plenty of water also prevents constipation. Finally, don’t blow your souvenir budget on candy and other unhealthy snacks; instead, pack granola bars, trail mix, dried fruit, or other healthy snacks in your luggage.

Eat light before the flight. Kids who are nervous about the flying, or who eat a large meal, or eat too much junk will probably end up sharing their partially digested meal with the rest of us if they aren't careful. Gross. Stick to a light dinner before we depart, and then pack a little trail mix or some pretzels for the flight.  Breakfast is the first item on our agenda after we land, so you can refuel once we’re back on terra firma. When we land in Washington DC, it’s better to be hungry than nauseous.  Along those lines, if you are prone to air sickness, or motion sickness of any kind, my suggestion is ginger gum.  It is available in the same section as Dramamine, but doesn't make you drowsy, and can help to keep your stomach calm. 

The only meds that kids are allowed to keep with them are life-saving meds (asthma inhaler, epi-pen, etc). All other medications (prescription or over-the-counter) should be handed to the designated chaperone, along with any written instructions, right before we board the coach to drive down to the airport. If your child is taking meds on a regular schedule, it is his/her responsibility to come to us.
This is an important topic, so medication will be addressed at our pre-departure meeting on Thurs
day, March 7th. If you have any questions about medication, please ask at the meeting, or contact Mr. Sheridan well in advance of our departure. And of course, please indicate any medication or food allergies on that medical release form you recently received through email from Nations Classroom.

Our Pre-departure meeting is only 3 days away, and our trip is a mere 26 days away!  I look forward to seeing everyone in the Rio MPR at 6:00pm on Thursday, March 7th!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Great Meeting Today!

Our meeting today was all about information.  We went over some important procedures, handed out the student agreement (which needs to be signed and returned), went over chaperone groups and met some of our chaperones, and then let the kids ask any burning question that they just couldn't wait to get answered.  If your student missed the meeting, have them come by my room (P-2) to pick up a trip agreement next week.  

One quick reminder that our next meeting is our MANDATORY Pre-departure meeting at 6:00 pm in the MPR at Rio Norte on Thursday, March 7th.  At least one parent/guardian must be in attendance.

Here are some of the questions that kids asked, with answers.

Q:  What are we supposed to pack?  How many bags can we bring?  Do we need to dress up for Broadway?
Check out the Packing List tab at the top of this page for basic information.  You can bring a check -in bag and a carry on...keep your check-in bag below 45 lbs.  For Broadway, just wear something nice, but comfortable.  We will be touring during the day before we go to our play.
Q:  Can we wear pajamas on the plane?
NO.  We will be landing in the morning, hopping on our bus, and will be touring all day after we land...we won't be going to the hotel until later that night.  You will need to be in actual clothes.
Q:  Do we have to stay in our chaperone groups?
No.  The chaperone groups are for organizational purposes only.  Most of the time we will be in a full group tour.  Chaperone groups allow us to account for all kids before we leave a location.
Q:  How often will we get food?
We get three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). These meals begin with breakfast the morning of our first tour. You are responsible for eating dinner before we leave for our trip.
Q:  How big are the food portions, is food included in the trip?
Food is included.  Some portions are fixed. At other places it's all-you-can-eat. I've never had anyone starve on the trip, so I think the portion sizes are good.  Be careful not to over-do it!  Also, if you have any dietary restrictions (vegan, allergies etc.) please let me know.
Q:  Is there time for shopping?
Plenty. You won't get to shop in every shop in every city we visit, but you will be provided with ample opportunity to spend your money.
Q:  What will the weather be like? 
It really depends.  It is early Spring on the east coast which means it will likely be cooler than it is here in California.  It could potentially be cold enough to snow, or you could have an 85 degree day (like we did in NY six years ago).  Pack for all eventualities.  
Q:  What play are we seeing on Broadway?  Are we going to a baseball game?
Right now we are scheduled to see "Mean Girls",which is based on the 2004 movie written by Tina Fey.  We are also scheduled to see a Brooklyn Nets basketball game while in NYC.
Q:  How long are the plane rides?   Can we move seats on the plane?
We are scheduled to take a direct flight from LAX...it's about 5 hours each way.  Seats on the plane are assigned and you need to sit in your assigned seat.
Q:  What time do we leave the hotels in the morning and what time do we get back? 
It depends, but usually we have breakfast at the hotel around 7:00am and leave around 8:00am.  We will return around 10:00pm each night.  Lights out is usually around 11:00pm.
Q:  Is the school dress code in effect?
Yes.  You are allowed to wear hats and sunglasses (if you are a Red Sox fan, or a Yankee fan, I wouldn't recommend wearing those hats in the wrong city).
Q:  Are there opportunities to buy snacks in between meals and can we bring water with us on tour? 
 Yes, but be careful not to eat too much junk or you will get sick.  Water is fine to bring with you while we are on tour, and the coach drivers often have bottles for sale as well.  NO water when we go through TSA security at the airport!
Q:  Can we bring food in the hotel rooms and on the bus? 
In the Hotel the answer is yes, on the bus, NO.  ALWAYS clean up after yourself.
Q:  How long is the trip? 
We will leave Rio around 6:00pm on Saturday, March 30th and return to Rio around 10pm on Friday, April 5th.
Q:  What if our phone goes off while we are walking around? 
Your phone should be on silent mode for the trip...we don't want to be disrespectful.
Q:  Can we bring a GoPro Camera or a really big expensive camera on the trip?
You should avoid bringing anything overly expensive.  The more stuff you bring, the more stuff you can lose or break.  GoPro may not be allowed in some of the places we are touring (no photography).
Q:  Should we bring cash or a pre-paid card for the trip? 
This is up to you and your parents.  I would suggest looking into whether your bank will allow a debit card with set maximum daily charges - we can talk about money in depth at the pre-departure meeting.
Q:  Is it just us on the plane, and are the planes nice? 
We will have our own buses for the trip, but the plane will have many others.  At this point it looks like on the way out, we will be flying on United - a nice airline, and flying home on Alaska, also nice.
Q:  What are we doing everyday? 
We will be touring, and seeing many of our most important national treasures!
Q:  What kind of hotels are we staying in?
They're four-star hotels like Westin, Wyndham, and Crown Plaza.

Hope that helps!  See you all at our Pre-Departure Meeting: Rio Norte MPR @ 6:00pm on Thursday, March 7th!

Friday, February 22, 2019

East Coast Adventure...Let's Get Walkin'!

Well, our East Coast Trip is a little over 5 weeks away.  This is just a quick suggestion to get out and start walking.  While on tour, we will be walking, on average, about 7 miles a day.  Granted it isn't all in one shot, but we will be going through museums, the national mall, large estates, and major city streets in Philadelphia and New York.  It is easy to get tuckered out if you aren't in decent shape.

I encourage all the East Coast Trippers to get out and walk at least a few times a week - and not just in P.E.!  If you are thinking about getting some walking shoes for the trip, I would suggest getting them now and breaking them in.  You don't want to be walking miles a day in new shoes...blisters hurt.  I would also suggest bringing two pairs of shoes on the trip in the event that the weather is uncooperative and one pair gets wet.  If you are looking for a complete list of things to pack, feel free to take a look at the suggested packing list by clicking on the "Packing List" tab at the top of this page.

I hope that everyone is getting as excited as I am to start our journey.  Remember that our Rio Norte students consistently get praised for their outstanding behavior on these trips...I am certain that this year's group will continue that tradition.  I will be handing out a student behavior expectation agreement at our next student meeting on the 26th.  This is my agreement and is in addition to the one sent by Nation's Classroom.  Be sure to review the agreement and have both the student and Parent/guardian sign it and return it to Mr. Sheridan by the departure meeting on the 7th of March (students can turn it in to Mr. Sheridan sooner than that if it is completed).  Knowing what is expected of you will make it easier to make good choices.  That should do it for now.

A quick reminder that our next student/chaperone meeting is this Tuesday, February 26th in room G-2 at 2:10 pm.  During this meeting we will talk about chaperone groups, review the student agreement, and cover other interesting topics - this meeting should take about an hour.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail, text (661) 621-3655, or even post a question on our Facebook page.

Take care,

Mr. Sheridan

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Money and Our Next Meeting

Hey East Coasters!

parents of students going on the East Coast trip often ask, “How much money does my child need to bring with them on the trip?” The short answer, technically, is “none.” Your child won’t like me telling you that, but all necessities are covered on the trip. All meals are paid for, drinking fountains are fairly common in most of the places we’re going, all admissions to all museums, events, and attractions are included, so your child doesn’t need to bring any money. Technically.

OK, but seriously... Your child is probably going to want a bottle of water here and there, and may want a little extra spending money for snacks and beverages beyond mealtimes (about $3-$5 per day). Then there are souvenirs. I’ve seen kids buy a couple small tchotchkes for family, and spend little more than $15 on souvenirs TOTAL for the whole trip. For other kids, they would put the Real Housewives to shame. We had one kid spend over $
500 in less than a week.

You know your child and his/her shopping habits best. Clothing is usually the most expensive item kids buy on this trip, and one nice 
“I  NY” sweatshirt in Times Square can go for $40-50, easy. Overall, average souvenir purchases are about $10-$20 per day.

Also as you may or may not know, I do respectfully request a little tip money ($10 total) from each student: $5 for our coach driver, $5 for our tour guide. These two people will be with us for the whole trip and become a part of our trip "family".  Naturally, tipping is optional, but in our country it is customary and a nice courtesy, especially for a job well done. All other tips are included in the cost of the tour. I will collect the coach driver and tour guide tip money ($10) at the Pre-Departure Meeting on Thursd
ay, March 7

On a related note, parents also ask: “Debit/prepaid card or cash?” There are advantages to both. Depending on the type of card and the issuing bank, parents can control the amount of spending per day and/or add value to the card if needed; this is a good security feature if the card is lost, and is also helpful in limiting teen spending. Talk to your bank now about your options. Looking online, many financial magazines rate the Wells Fargo card for teens and the Capital One 360 account a
s good options. Cash is easiest, but once lost it is almost certainly gone for good. Talk with your child and find out what you think will work best. Most airlines are now cashless, meaning you can only purchase food on the plane with a debit/credit card.

As for VISA, MasterCard, or American Express gift or pre-paid cards, most of them don’t have a name on them, they don’t require ID, and they’re usually as good as cash if lost, so be careful with this option. Finally, don’t even bother with traveler checks; their time has passed...the truth is the 19-year-old kid behind the counter at the souvenir shop will have NO idea what to do with your traveler's check.

 When asked, this is what previous East Coast trip parents had to say with regard to money:

“A mixture of cash and debit cards worked great for our daughter.” 

“My child took $200 and that was more than enough,she came back with money leftover,and she is quite the shopper!”

“We got our daughter a debit card for the trip, (which she hardly used, just on the plane), but it made us feel better. AND, it's proven to be a useful budgeting tool for our daughter going forward. Rather than $5 here, $20 there, she uses the card and we review it to see where the money is going.” 

“I gave my daughter cash and put it in envelopes by day. I gave her more for NY and then gave less for each day as I saw fit. I also told her that she could keep whatever money she did not spend on the trip. I gave her $300. She was really careful about making good choices and she came home with $291. ( She bought one sweatshirt, but, made money back on the food court allowance). It worked out well and now she is going to buy a cat with her leftovers.

“I would say slightly more than $20/day.”

Hope all that advice will help your family make a more informed decision about money. Our next student meeting is in exactly one week, on Tuesday, February 26, at 2:10pm in Room G
-2. Our East Coast adventure is now only 39 days away!  As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Follow up to Our Student Meeting

Hello East Coast Trippers!
We had a very successful meeting this week.  I'm extremely excited to be working with such fun, well-behaved, and respectful 8th graders - we're going to have a great trip!  Here are some of the things we were able to accomplish in the meeting:

- We played an ice breaker game to try and get to know one another better
- Wrote down shirt sizes for our commemorative t-shirt
- We assigned roommates
- We answered a few questions related to the trip

There are a couple of things I covered with the kids Tuesday, and I am including them in this message for parents as well.

I will have a student behavior agreement for the kids at the next meeting on February 26th.  The kids should sign it along with their parent/guardian and return it to me sometime before the departure meeting on March 7th.

Due to the importance of communication, I informed the kids of different ways to stay in touch with me and the trip - and it might be good for you too.  Two that I focused on are following my text alerts by having yourself and the kids fast follow sheridantrip on twitter by texting "follow sheridantrip" to 40404.  Another way is through my Google Voice number (661) 621-3655.  Students and parents are welcome to call or text this number with any burning questions between now and the trip, although e-mail is still best.

Here are some of the questions about the trip that the kids asked Tuesday:

Q: When do we leave and when do we get back?
A:  We leave on Saturday, March 30th and return on Friday, April 5th.

Q:  Is food included on the trip?
A:  Yes, breakfast. lunch, and dinner are included.  Breakfast is usually at our hotel.

Q:  How many bags are we allowed to bring?
A:  You are bringing one check in bag weighing no more than 45 lbs. and one carry-on (usually a backpack)

Q:  What time do we go to sleep and wake up?
A:  It varies, but usually we will get up around 6 am and get to bed around 10 pm

Q:  Are we allowed to use our phone on the trip?
A:  Yes, and no.  You should absolutely bring your phone on the trip, and you are welcome to use it as a camera while we are touring (although it might be a good idea to bring an actual camera as well).  However, phone calls, facetime, texting, surfing etc. should be reserved for times when we aren't on tour.  What does that mean?  You can use your phone in your room, at meal times, and when we are traveling between major cities on the bus, but NOT when we are in the city looking at sites (including the bus).

Q:  What sporting event are we going to?
A;  It looks like we will be going to the Nets vs. Raptors basketball game in Brooklyn

I am looking forward to seeing my East Coast Trip students at our next meeting on Tuesday, February 26th.  That meeting will again be in room G-2 at 2:10 pm and will conclude around 3:15.  Thanks again for a great meeting and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Friday, January 25, 2019

East Coast Adventure 2019...Here We Go!!!

Dear East Coast Trip Family,
In a little over 2 months, we will be departing on our big adventure to Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and New York.  I can tell you from personal experience that history travel, is amazing.  There really is nothing like it; and I am very excited to be able to share the experience of visiting some of our most famous national treasures and landmarks with your child.  For the past few months we have been finalizing our roster, and we now have a good idea of who is going on the trip, so it's time to inform you of some important dates.

Tuesday, Feb. 5th @ 2:10pm - Rio Norte Rm. G-2: Roommate Meeting 

So, this is the meeting that all the students will be most interested in attending!  This is my opportunity to become familiar with the kids, and we will finally have a chance for the students to meet their fellow adventurers who are going on the trip.  This meeting is intended for students and teachers only.  We will start with an ice-breaker activity or two and then we will move on to the all important process of choosing roommates.  If your child cannot attend this meeting, it might be a good idea to have them designate a person to speak on their behalf regarding room assignments (unless they don't care who they room with).  This meeting should take a little over an hour, and will conclude at 3:30.

Tuesday, Feb. 26th @ 2:10pm - Rio Norte Rm. G-2: Student Meeting 
Topics to be determined

Thursday, March 7th @ 6:00pm - Rio Norte MPR: Pre-Departure Meeting 

Organized by Nation's Classroom, and hosted by both myself and our tour company rep, this meeting will go over the specifics of the trip.  We finally get to see our exact itinerary, and our hotel and flight information.  Now that we know for sure everyone who is going on the trip, our tour company is working hard making final arrangements to secure the very best flights and hotels possible. This meeting is MANDATORY for the traveling student and at least one parent/guardian to attend, so please mark your calendar.   

That should do it for now.  I'm looking forward to a great trip, with a great group of kids.  I will be trying to stay in contact with all of you on a pretty regular basis now as the trip gets closer.  On that note,  I would also like to remind you (or inform you for the first time) that besides this page, you can stay connected to the trip on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  You can "Like" our trip page at https://www.facebook.com/MrSheridansEastCoastAdventure  follow on Twitter at http://twitter.com/sheridantrip  or you can check us out on Instagram at http://instagram.com/sheridantrip  Finally, you can get updates sent to you as a text message on ANY cell phone (regular cell phone or smartphone) by texting the words follow @sheridantrip to 40404. These Twitter text alerts are free and do not require you to sign up for a Twitter account. Standard text rates do apply.  Thanks, and I'll see your kids on Feb. 5th!